Jim Morrison's Letter to his parents?
(too old to reply)
2005-07-03 00:34:46 UTC
Recntly I was contacted by somebody who claimed to have a letter
written by Jim Morrison to his parents.
Patricia Kennealy claims that this letter was given to her by Jim at
the trial in Miami, and he told her to take it to the Admiral and Clara
This is not the first time I have heard of this letter, two years ago
Andy Morrison recieved a copy of this same letter from Patricia
Kennealy herself when he visited her in New York. She saked him to give
it to the Admiral but he did not, (he knows better0 but since I have
surfaced again in public I get all the sell-or-tell crowd, "Cowboy Jim"
"Fake Baby Jim's" and lots and lots of pretenders.
It is curios to me that Kennealy never tried to get this letter to the
Morrisons before, like after he died.
So I believe this letter to be a forgery that Kennealy was using in
some sort of "Scam" to get next to the Morrison estate.
Andy never went for it but he did get a free dinner and a good laugh.
I also hear that Kenneally may be trying to cast some sort a spell on
Andy's "Friend" Barbara to try to use her in the same
"Gypsy Scam".
I say have at it Witch for all you will inherit for your greed is " The

A R Graham.
2005-07-03 00:44:49 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Recntly I was contacted by somebody who claimed to have a letter
written by Jim Morrison to his parents.
Patricia Kennealy claims that this letter was given to her by Jim at
the trial in Miami, and he told her to take it to the Admiral and Clara
This is not the first time I have heard of this letter, two years ago
Andy Morrison recieved a copy of this same letter from Patricia
Kennealy herself when he visited her in New York. She saked him to give
it to the Admiral but he did not, (he knows better0 but since I have
surfaced again in public I get all the sell-or-tell crowd, "Cowboy Jim"
"Fake Baby Jim's" and lots and lots of pretenders.
It is curios to me that Kennealy never tried to get this letter to the
Morrisons before, like after he died.
So I believe this letter to be a forgery that Kennealy was using in
some sort of "Scam" to get next to the Morrison estate.
Andy never went for it but he did get a free dinner and a good laugh.
I also hear that Kenneally may be trying to cast some sort a spell on
Andy's "Friend" Barbara to try to use her in the same
"Gypsy Scam".
I say have at it Witch for all you will inherit for your greed is " The
A R Graham.
Do you have any idea what the letter said?
2005-07-03 00:50:41 UTC
2005-07-03 02:43:09 UTC
Why won't you tell me what she said?

2005-07-03 07:22:44 UTC
Post by Hyacinth
Why won't you tell me what she said?
VERY nice!

2005-07-03 00:49:38 UTC
Foot note to the Gyp-Scam.
In 1981 when I was producing the Rock Opera in hollywood, I spoke with
Alan Ronay?, and he told me a very similar story except in was a verbal
message similar in tone and content. Ronay became upset when I said I
would not introduce him to Jim's parents because he had to "Tell them
in person" as per Jim's strict instructions.
I believe this is where Kennealy somehow gleaned this information and
is now trying to peddle it as her own experience.

The Paladin